

字号+ 作者:H5之家 来源:H5之家 2017-02-24 10:01 我要评论( )

fileInput = $( ),button = $( );button.on( , function(){ // Access the files property, which holds files = fileInput.prop( ); (files.length == 0 ) {alert( ); return false ;} fd = new FormData();fd.app

fileInput = $(), button = $(); button.on(, function(){ // Access the files property, which holds files = fileInput.prop(); (files.length == 0) { alert(); return false; } fd = new FormData(); fd.append(, files[0]); // Upload the file to assets/php/upload.php. Open that file in a text // editor to get a better idea of how it works. $.ajax({ url: , data: fd, contentType:false, // This will make the browser use the multipart/formdata encoding, which is required for transferring binary data. processData:false, // jQuery shouldn't do any processsing on the data - the browser will handle this when it sees we are passing a formdata object. type:, success: function(m){ log(m); } }); });






CODE api = , holder = $(); $.getJSON(api, function(r){ // This will always give the current picture holder.append(); holder.append(+ r.about +) holder.append(+ r.website ++ r.website +); });




  Open Weather Map提供了免费的天气信息,我们可以通过使用它们的JSON API来获取数据。简单的例子如下:

api = ; $.getJSON(api, function(r){ // This will always give the current picture log(r.list[+ r.list[0].sys.country); log(r.list[0].main); // Temperatures are in kelvin, subtract 273.15 to convert to Celsius, });



43. 获取你的最近的汤博乐(Tumblr)内容

    现在非常流行的汤博乐博客服务提供了简单的方法使用JSON api, 这样我们可以使用它来获取任何博客内容,下面是使用的方法。


<div id=></div> blog = , api = + blog + , post = $(); $.getJSON(api, function(r){ log(+ r.tumblelog.title); log(+ r.tumblelog.description); (r.posts[]){ post.append(+ r.posts[] + ); } else{ log(+ r.posts[]); } });





ip = , // you can optionally put an ip address here api = + ip + ; $.getJSON(api, function(r){ console.log(+ r.city + + r.country_name + ); }); //How is the weather in Beijing, China?





CODE query = ; + encodeURIComponent(query) + ; $.getJSON(yqlAPI, function(r){ log(); $.each(r.query.results.results.a, function(){ log(); log(this.content); }); });




  我们可以通过ajax的全局方法来简化web app中处理的ajax请求。


CODE preloader = $(,{ :}).appendTo(); var doc = $(document); // Show the preloader whenever you are making an AJAX request: doc.ajaxStart(function(){ preloader.fadeIn(); }); // Hide it when the ajax request finishes doc.ajaxComplete(function(){ // Keep it visible for 0.8 seconds after the request completes preloader.delay(800).fadeOut(); }); // It will show automatically every time you do an AJAX request: $.);



47. 学会爱上console吧。



// The simple case. Use this instead of alert(): console.log(); a = , b = ; console.log(, a, b); // Interactively browse the properties of a method (similar to console.log): console.dir(window); // Information message (in webkit it looks like console.log) console.info(); // Warning message console.warn(); // Error message (will print a stack trace) console.error(); (var i = 0; i<20; i++){ console.count(); } // Starts a collapsable group of log messages console.group(); console.info(); console.info(); console.error(); console.groupEnd() // Timing things console.time() var dollars = 0; for(var i=0;i<100000; i++){ dollars+=10; } console.timeEnd(); // Profiling code (it will show up in your console's Profile tab) console.profile(); var arr = []; $.each([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],function(){ arr.push(this+1); }); console.profileEnd();









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